Saturday, November 11, 2006

4-E Victorious!

AIDA MUSICAL (JRU Playfestival 2006) by: E-4ce Production
Last November 10, 2006

Song: Written in the Stars

(Aida met Radames to tell that they cannot meet anymore (although they love each other very much). Since Radames needs to marry Amneris.)

Look how terrible our faces are. :-) But it gave chills to the audience .

Radames: Oh you are all I ever want but this I am denied. Sometimes in my darkest thoughts I wish

I never learned

Radames and Aida: What is it to be in love and have that love returned.

Aida: Is it written in the stars? are we paying for some crime is that all that we are good for? Just

a stretch of mortal time!

Radames and Aida: Or some God's experiment in which we have no say. In which we are given

paradise but only for a day. . .

Song: Enchantment Passing Through (Reprise)
(They were buried together. Inside the tomb.)
Aida: It's so dark.

Radames: Give me your hand. I'm right here with you. There's another world waiting for us, Aida. I can feel it! The way I always knew there is a world in every bend of the Nile. Just waiting to be discovered.

Aida: You'll find me in that world?

Radames: If I have to search for a hundred lifetimes, I will find you again, Aida.

(They hugged each other. Knowing that it will be their last before their death inside the tomb.)

7 out of 8
Best Play
Best Director - Rachel Ann Gavilan
Best Actor - William O. Cruzana, Jr. (me :-D)
Best Actress- Ley Ann Christian Castillo
Best Supporting Actress- Jessica Therese Naguit
Best Teaser
Best Costume and Design

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