Sunday, February 10, 2008

Almost Dead

I don't know why I am still kicking despite the fact that my third term has been so arduous. Management, Philosophy and Economics are hell for me recently. Expectations run still. My mom would kill me if I got a grade lower than 2. Sigghhhhhh. College really makes me look older and older and older and older..

My Problems...

  • 1 3 5 grade in Management. Those who are excellent will get a grade of 1. Those who are mediocres will get 3. I don't mind the 5 because I know that I will pass no matter what. I just want to get out of the hell in Management with a ONE.
  • Heavy assignments given by my Professor in Macroeconomic who is a very experienced one from New York. Sure thing, the answers are really hard to find. Book and other references are not relevant. I always read deep so as to find the answers to his questions.
  • The heck in Philosophy. I got 4 in the first quiz, 2.5 in second quiz, and perhaps, a flunk in the midterm. I don't understand why I am in a hard time remembering those names and their philosophies.

And many many many many many moreeeeeeee. . . God help me. . .