Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is with me

Why does suicide a common thing amongst teenagers? Would you be considered as an emo after you have cut yourself, or worse, kill yourself? That's stupid. Very stupid.

You know what my dear friend? Do not be deceived by the murmurs of the demons. They always seize advantage out of our every action. Our God, who gave us life, does not want to see His child having thoughts of such.

I was really shocked when I found myself having thoughts of ending my life. I felt really dumb. To clear myself, I thought of which just ONCE after my mom and aunt got mad on me. I know I wasn't myself during that time because I know the fact that I am not a pessimist or a crazy and freak guy. Then I came to read a very sweet article which is my last blog entry here in multiply. I then thought that, I will still have FUN but I would be really strict with my limits. Subsequent to that and after God healed my heart once again, I found myself in the stillness, quiet and calm. I prayed to Him.

I hope every teen would do the same thing if they think they are about to break down. Seek God because He is always there for us. He has seen us through the seasons and yet, He remains faithful to us. I'm glad that God is really working on my life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Course Section Grade Completion
ACT112 AY02 1.50
ECO101 AY02 2.00
HUM14 AT4 2.00
MATH11 AH02 2.50
MGT100 BY01 1.00
NSTP13 BT1 1.00
PE13 BC3 1.75
Weighted Average: 1.80
I'm bringing the EMBA here in the house.
It's the perfect time to celebrate.
F*ck that MGT100. HAHA!
Hate the Math11. Sh*t.
I could have been one of the scholars if my grade was 2.
Anyhow, God loves me so much. X_X

Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm so stressed out! Freaking reports and this damn practice set are killing me.

This term is gonna to END soon!

Take Me To Bora. X_X

I wanna PARTY.

X_X I love my Siomai. X_X