Friday, September 23, 2011

Do Ethics and Profits Go Together?

“Most organizations espouse idealistic values emphasizing respect and integrity. But all too often, managers in companies make decisions according to what most benefits them and improves their quality of life, rather than what is best for customers, employees, investors and communities.”
- Michael Maccoby

To gain profit is the main cause of any operating company.  Corporations, through the conscious efforts of their every department, make strategies to pull off greater profits.  Sometimes, creativity leads to a situation where in the company has to decide whether they have to pursue the plan even when it constitutes an unprincipled plot or not.  Many companies are continuously tempted because, after all, they wanted to lessen costs and have greater profits.
Knowing that corporations are deemed as personal entities, the people therein are obliged to make the institution appear good in the eyes of both its internal and external environment.  It does not mean that it is a must to conceal their wrongdoings so as to avoid being caught.  Nevertheless, these things should be done because it is a means for them to give back to the community that first accepted them. In reality, sadly, many corporations do not deem this necessary. 
The psychopathic symptoms that were discussed in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders like deceitfulness, lying for personal profit, etc. are really widespread.  I, myself, am a witness of these hateful things.  I have seen lives and families completely altered because of these selfish drive in corporations.  Some corporations cheat on their taxes, sales, and worker compensation.  In the end, some high-ranking officers would have to cancel the other just to not be questioned anymore about their unscrupulous acts. What happens in the end? The righteous loses her job and tries to forget the hell she experienced in that company.
I commend the people who stand for righteousness.  It just goes to show that they fear God, they care for the people around them, and they are keen to typify true leadership.  As a leader, you have to demonstrate values such as trust, leadership, wisdom and integrity.  If you are leading a team, you must practice what you preach and motivate your subordinates to be ethical.  And if you truly love your job and your organization, you know for a fact that you best represent the corporation and one of the many ways to give back is to be ethical about your decisions.
Ethics should be sought out as valuable as any MBA and any other talents in the world.  Given that many companies are not behaving well, a righteous man should not go with the gush of their deeds.  Although unethical deeds are prevailing among companies, a company that truly cares should stand up for righteousness.  Like an individual, companies who opt to embrace honesty will be blessed by God.  Who would not want to be in a company that is blessed and does things right? We all wish for one. 

1 comment:

Mike Gallego said...

Change the world bro. :D