Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Look at Me

Men can wear masks to conceal who they really are.  Like a person who portrays a popular character, man has the capacity to treat the world as a big stage.  He can pretend to be someone else as long as he likes without the knowledge of the next person. Although people around him can be fooled, he cannot deceive himself.  He can be a charlatan and suggest to people proposals but not do the same thing. At the end of the day, both he and God know what the veracity inside him is.
            One saying goes like this, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” We can also say that our action is the translation of what we truly feel inside.  An individual is familiar with his own deeds and thinking.  Even if he tries to hide his true being, it just comes out in a very unexpected manner.  It is safe to say that a person’s character is then distinguished when no one is looking at him.  The things that he commits secretly is what defines him.  Whether good or awful and even without anyone noticing, what a person carries out naturally constitutes his true self. 
            Many deem that an alteration of one’s self is somewhat unfeasible especially when you have had such attitude or way of life since then.  Truthful to say, our conscience has an impeccable role in forming our character.  If we listen to that still and small voice within us that tells us pertinent things given the different stressful seasons in our lives, we can win the battle between just acting as a righteous person and being someone who is innately righteous.  To give a concrete example, if you truly follow Jesus Christ, God’s endowment, the Holy Spirit who is our conscience, will guide you in your daily life.  If we trust our own will, we immensely find it hard to do good works. But because of grace and the Holy Spirit who works as our guide and conscience, we can overcome the thought and do things that we initially deemed we could never do.
            Who would not want his character to be one that is filled by conscience?  Is it not glorious on our end to have good works exemplified, at the same time, be true to ourselves?  It then has become a challenge posed to each of us to leave hypocrisy and practice what we preach.  After all, who covets to live a life that is full of lies and foolish? The ideal answer is “no one.” In reality, it is sad to say that many people fall short.  Some people do what is unethical just to have gains.
            It is amusing to think that we give it our best just to pose as someone who, in the first place, is not us.  We hide in sheepskins even though we are considered as wolves.  Are we pursuing to be like one until we die? We have one life to live, are we not supposed to make it count?  This is a challenge and I hope that we will not take it lightly. God rewards those that are righteous in His sight, not the self-righteous.

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