Friday, August 24, 2007

Journal in MATH10-1 AY02


CRUZANA JR, WILLIAM O. August 25, 2007

How Have You Gone in Math10-1?

Honestly speaking, there were times that I always questioned how Math could possibly studied if it would not be necessary in the near future. It was like I did become a very baffled person because the thought about how I could use, for example, the “square root of 99 times x over 100” in our future jobs. My awful point was Mathematics should not be added to the main subjects. Eventually, when I entered the steep world of College, I realized that I did have a wrong perception. Math is a fastidious but pleasurable subject and it should be taken really serious.

I started my college life without any idea of what could be the possible lessons in the Math10-1. Unluckily, I did not have anything in stock. Thinking of my past performances, I would say that I highly passed my Mathematics-related subjects in high school before. It was just that I had gotten memory lapses and had forgotten how to do this and that last summer. Awful to say, I was not too serious when I took my math subjects in my last school year in high school. The next will not be meant for boasting, despite the laziness, I still got the grade of 86 and 85 for Calculus and Statistics to think that I didn’t participate well in class and my only strength was just my self-study if the exams or quizzes were near.

I feel different about this Math 10-1. For me, AY02 is really happy to have very entertaining but full of knowledge classes everyday. I am one of those individuals in AY02 who find it really nice! Anyone would have fun while learning when hearing “Uiiii, Ahmm, Cancel oh!” Because of this delight, I would assume that I’ve been doing just well since the start of the class. Things have improved little by little. Two of these improvements that I am talking about are in academics like I’ve fully understood the factoring, which I really hated before, and I entirely overcame the fear of applications on rational exponents.

Now, I’m optimistic and looking forward to relearn the next lessons. However, it does not end there for me. I want that “just well” to be excellently great. With the help of our dearest block and greatly trained teacher, my wits can get constantly better. Confusion will never visit me again, if ever. And all I have to do is to feel confident in the finals for I know indisputably that the hardest problem that Math could give me would just be solved easily.

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