Crabs, and other species, don't have a spirit and a conscious mind. It is only us, humans, are capable of thinking and talking. Crabs, as well as the other animals, are created by God to be eaten. I wondered why. According to my ever endearing mom, and as an existing fact in the mere reality, humans can't and shouldn't eat humans. That is cannibalism, if so. That's why God made something to eat like those.
Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short "tail", or where the abdomen is entirely hidden under the thorax. They are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton, and are armed with a single pair of chelea/claws. So, looking at them is really yucky.
My mother loves to eat foods extracted from the sea. And there is definitely no exemption for crabs. She bought 3 from the market and cooked them grittily. The poor, craving for freedom, and alive crabs wanted to escape from the pan, but they couldn't. I. . pity them. . . But, my mom said that I should not think of it. God made them to be eaten by men. No need to fret or feel skeptical. Anyway, hungry mouths do not resist any food. LOL!

I am a Starbucks tambay. LOL! After our Christmas party yesterday, I went to Shangri-La to give myself a treat as an early Christmas present. Everything was fine eventually, like I played hard at Powerstation and Timezone (Megamall with Cathryn). I bought simple but cute gifts for my assumptionistang ate, my car-lover daddy, and my nagger mommy. LOL! I should not speak of where and what are the gifts I bought for them here for they might read this post. And if so, there will be no element of surprise anymore. He, he.
"It's really not about the gifts' price by the way, it is
about a thought of giving them with your heart staked wholly and at its finest."And that's the true meaning of Christmas for me. . .Advanced Merry Christmas to all. . .
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